Everyone has heard of Microsoft right? What about Windows 7? Ok, what about the Windows Phone 7? Aha! If you have not heard much about Microsoft's new phone, it's probably because it has not been released. The release date for this new and awesome phone is in November. In this article, I will talk about some of the mind-blowing features of this great new mobile device from Microsoft. Many know that MS has not exactly been the front-runners in the mobile phone race, but things are changing.
I want to jump to one of the most brilliant features of the Windows Phone 7. It's called the Outlook Life Tile. This great feature is part of the Outlook App for the WP 7. The Outlook Life Tile lets you quickly see your important emails, flag emails, and open up a full screen view of your email.
There is also a powerful calendar portion that allows you to view your agenda in multiple calendars. You will be able to sync your personal and work calendars effortlessly.
Have a meeting scheduled and no directions? No problem. When you open your calendar and select a particular meeting, the location-aware Windows 7 Phone presents you with a map as well as turn-by-turn directions to your meeting. How nice is that?
Microsoft Office
The Office Live Tile is the place where all of your familiar office documents come together. Need to take notes for a meeting and send them back to your office? Open Microsoft One Note, take some notes, and publish them back to your Sky Drive. Easy, right? In addition to office application use, you can access Office documents stored on your phone, or grab documents straight from a SharePoint server. The best part is that when you open a document in your Windows 7 Phone, it looks exactly like the version created on the pc.
Other Applications
Have Netflix at home? Me too. Microsoft has worked with Netflix to develop a killer app that allows you to watch Netflix movies on your Windows 7 Phone. Not only can you watch movies, you can read a synopsis of the movie, see recently added movies, and more.
There should be a lot of great accessories for this phone. One of the most diverse and exciting accesories will no doubt be cases and covers fpr the phone.
Summary of Features
There are too many great features of this phone to include in one article, but here are a few that should get your attention:
Relevant start screen, with all of your important stuff
Instant updates (It can easily update your fiend's statuses on social networks like Facebook and Twitter)
Contacts, photos, games, and music
Post you status once and update all networks
Find contacts quickly (alphabetical tiles)
Instant Messaging built in
Pictures from your phone, pc, and the web organized in one place
Share pictures instantly
All your music and videos from the radio, pc, and web all on your phone
Zune features built in
Wi Fi Syncing
Xbox Live Game Play
Bing search from anywhere on the phone
One button maps and directions from the web
and more...
Matt Pitts
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Pitts