how to update windows phone 7

It was only a matter of time before the world's largest software producer got in on the mobile OS market again. The Windows Mobile series had one advantage over the iPhone when it launched and that was the apps. Then iPhone got apps and Mircrosoft was left in the dumps. Windows Phone 7 was a clean break from that and it was the right decision. Microsoft has correctly decided that what is going to make or break their new OS is going to be the Windows Phone 7 apps and how they stack up against the competitors

Old Windows Mobile apps will not work though, but it's for the best. Microsoft Windows Mobile is outdated and the clean break was probably the only possibility of getting up to speed with the iPhone and Android.
The basic premise for the apps will be 'hubs', for example a 'People' hub, a 'Pictures' hub, a 'Games' hub and so on. Windows Phone 7 looks great and a really nice feature is that the apps are actually active even in their 'tiled' and minimized type. Everything looks clean, crisp and kind of zoomy, kind of like in Windows 7. The Office Outlook app alone is almost worth it. It simply looks great and makes you wonder how someone can read email on a Blackberry phone! Not every day, you praise a mobile email client is it? The main hubs are all well designed and useful.
The other standard apps are also quite impressive. The one feature that is very innovative and useful is the 'People' hub that allows you unrestricted access to all of your social networks - at once! One screen with all updates from your friends and one place to update your status. Credit where credit is due, this is a very impressive feature that is genuinely helpful in connecting you with your friends.
Games will be another selling point for Microsoft. Of course, anything that mentions X-Box on it, will get gamers talking, but you won't be playing Halo 3 just yet. The future of mobile gaming is on smartphones though and Microsoft has recognized this. Windows Phone 7 apps are mainly made with Silverlight which has earned a reputation for great graphics. Add to that the integration with X-Box Live and things are looking very interesting indeed.
How things will turn out for Microsoft in the end depends on how consumers will react. Apps developers will not want to design for a platform that no one use and consumers won't buy a platform with no apps.
For the latest news, updates and cool Windows Phone 7 Apps visit, your guide to everything Windows Mobile!

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