windows mobile my phone

Most of us use Windows PCs and have at least some experience with Windows. But how about Windows Mobile? Many don't even know about it. Some have heard but do not now the difference between a Windows Mobile device and a regular mobile phone. Below we shall describe a few tricks with which you will like your Windows Mobile phone much more (or if you do not have one, you may consider buying it).
1. How to copy/move files in Windows Mobile.
As it is not possible to display several windows at the same time in mobile devices, one cannot copy (move) files by dragging them from one window to the other. But there is a very simple way to do that using Windows' copy and paste functions. First select the file you want to copy or move in File Explorer, then choose Menu->Edit-> Copy (or Cut). Then open the folder you want to copy the file to and in the menu select Edit -> Paste. Now you have copied (or moved) your file to the new folder.
2. What to do if you get a "Not Enough Storage" message when installing a new program.
If you get a "Not enough storage" message when trying to install a new application, it may appear that there is in fact enough storage in your phone. The thing is that the storage needed to install an application is approximately double the space the application itself occupies. The reason is that the installation file also occupies space in the memory, which is approximately the same as the program size. After the installation is completed, this file can be removed. But what to do if there is not enough space for both the application and its installation file? Then one can use the phone's mini (micro) SD storage card. If the installation file has a *.cab extension (an archive file) just copy it to the memory card and run from there. In the case the installation file is an executable (*.exe) file that should be run on PC, do the following:
- First you need to establish a connection between the mobile phone and computer via cable or Bluetooth
- Run the installation *.exe file on PC
- After some time you will see a message "Please check your mobile device to see if additional steps are necessary to complete this installation", then look at the mobile phone but do not follow the instructions you will see there. Instead start File Explorer and find your installation file. It should be a *.cab file located in My Documents.
- Copy this file to the memory card (I have described above how files can be copied in Windows Mobile).
- Then switch again to the program installation screen (through Task Manager). Now you need to terminate the installation process by pressing Cancel. The *.cab file will be automatically deleted from the main memory, but you will have a copy of it on the storage card.
- Run the *.cab file from the storage card to complete the installation.
You can check My Documents folder from time to time for old *.cab files remained from previous installations. You can delete all such files if you find them.
3. Backup your phone automatically, find lost phone and do more with Microsoft ® My Phone.
With the new service called Microsoft® My Phone, available for Windows Mobile 6.x and later versions, you can backup your phone automatically, ring your lost phone (even if the ringer was turned off) and do other useful stuff.
4. Turn your smartphone into a wireless access point.

Mobile Wi-Fi Router is a program that turns Windows Mobile phone into a WiFi hotspot to connect your laptop to the Internet. Alternatively, one can pair Windows Mobile device with laptop over Bluetooth to establish an Internet connection. In that case no additional software is needed, one just needs to configure laptop to use mobile device as a modem. That is not difficult, I have described it in another article.
5. How to type text in various languages.
In touch-screen phones, one can use an on-screen keyboard to type text in various languages. According to my experience, Hikeyboard is the best program of this kind. Unlike other onscreen keyboards, it does not stop working accidentally, besides it contains layouts for many different languages, which can be installed simultaneously.
6. Searching for a string in text messages.
Although there is a search function in Windows Mobile, it does not search in text messages. To find specific text in SMS messages you can use SmartphoneFind 2.0. It can find text in any data category, like Address Book, Calendar, text messages, e-mails, etc.
7. Print documents stored in your phone.
All kinds of documents on your Windows Mobile device, like e-mails, faxes, SMS messages, Word documents, etc., can be printed using a program called PocketWhere. This program can use printers on WiFi networks, so no cable is needed.
There are many more things one can do with Windows Mobile, but these are the basic ones which will help you to substantially improve your phone's performance.
Leonid Sinichkin is a programmer and an experienced user of Windows Mobile devices. See the largest collection of mobile tips on his web site.

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