Load Up Your New Windows Phone 7 With These 5 Free Apps

The new kid on the block is creating quite the buzz. Windows Phone 7 has jumped out of the starting gate with sales of approximately 40,000 phones on the first day alone. Not to mention their marketplace (which can be browsed if you download the free Zune software to your computer) boasts 1,600 apps - already. Like all the other smart phone platforms, deciding on the best apps to download can be a tough decision. Download these 5 free apps to get you started.
Slacker Radio - Slacker Inc.
Never be without great personalized music. This is a simple radio app that allows you to choose from 130 pre-programmed genre stations or even create your own with the songs and artists you prefer. This is one of the best radio apps at really playing music that hits the mark with what you ask it to play.
Yelp - Yelp
No matter where you are, with this app you will quickly be able to find anything from a gas station (before you run out of gas) to a specific restaurant like an Irish Pub, or the closest Falafel take out. You can read reviews from others to make your experience even better by avoiding tourist traps or dives. This app is great for helping you find places to eat, drink, shop, play and relax.

Xbox Live Extras - Microsoft Game Studios
Windows Phone 7 is known for its ability to link to Xbox Live. This app is the gateway for creating and linking your Xbox live avatar on your mobile device, to your account. You'll connect with your friends, track your achievements and receive messages from the Xbox live community. This is something none of the other smart phones have.
AP Mobile - The Associated Press
This news streaming app will keep you connected to all the news you need with breaking stories, dynamic photos, videos and front page headlines. Customize your news to be local, national or even international for the news categories you want to see. Bringing together 1,200 trusted news sources will make sure you don't miss a thing. As the website says, "AP Mobile is the news you choose."
Even though these are three separate apps, they easily fall into one category - Social Media. No phone should be without the means to watch and share videos, information and stories with your friends and clients on your Twitter, Facebook and YouTube apps; A must for every new Windows Phone 7 owner.
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