Contacts Share app for Lumia

Nokia releases exclusive Contacts Share app for Lumia line of Windows Phone

Nokia Contacts Share
Nokia promised back a few weeks ago that they had plenty of software to still releases yet for their Lumia line of Windows Phones and today they did so again with the Contacts Share app.
Contacts Share is yet another “fill what’s missing in Windows Phone” app from the Finnish company and should be a huge boon for business users. The app is simple enough as it allows you to send contact info via email or SMS to any phone including Symbian, Android, iOS and BlackBerry in standard Vcard format.
The contacts are then imported by email or when the app is opened and they brought right into the People Hub like any other contact...
WP Central
Couple of things we would like to note: the app isn’t working right now on our Lumia 900 for AT&T. That could be because we don’t have a SIM, though it is telling us that our OS version is not up to date. We’re not sure which the case is so you can let us know.
The other is the app notes “this is not compatible with CDMA” which should not be read as Nokia not supporting CDMA phones in the future (like Verizon or Sprint), it’s simply because the app is based off of the SIM card inserted into the device, so don’t read too much into that.
Update: Confirmed for AT&T users this will not work as this app is evidently dependent on a yet-to-come firmware update (or possibly tied to Tango). That update should be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
Pick up Nokia’s Contacts Share here in the Marketplace for Lumia Windows Phones.Thanks, @JCinWinupd8 and Scott M., for the link
QR: Contacts Share

Aupeo! Radio app for Windows Phone

Aupeo! Radio app now available for Windows Phone

WP Central
Aupeo! is now packing a punch on Windows Phone and released an app on the Marketplace last week. The app enables users to listen to over 120 pre-developed stations, which cover a range of genres including pop, rock, R&B, heavy metal, country, techno, classical, and punk. Stations that follow a specific theme, genre or music mood can also be selected.
In addition to the above stations, users can tune into 'artist stations', which (as the name suggests) plays music related to a particular artist. Aupeo! supports a mood tuner that provides stations based on musical mood - happy, relaxing, aggressive, dramatic, stressful, etc. The service is ad-supported, with a premium version available which removes the adverts and includes higher quality music among other features. But the best part is you're not required to sign up to get cracking, unless you want personalisation, etc.
The Windows Phone app sports the same functionality, and users can access their favourite stations and the personal radio through logging in and connecting theirAupeo! account. Much like, Aupeo! provides users with 'love' and 'ban' options to allow the service to learn and adapt to individual listener tastes. Stations can be pinned to the home screen for more convenient access and a sleep timer is included for those who enjoy falling into blissful dreams chilling out to Ramstein.
Aupeo App
Highlights of Aupeo!:
  • Listen to new music free and legally
  • No registration required
  • Get started with Artist-, Genre- or 150+ Radios by topic
  • Refine your selection by mood or style
  • Create your own personal Radio and share your music with your friends
  • Sleep Timer function for those who like to fall asleep to music
  • Uninterrupted music enjoyment thanks to the HiRoQ Streaming Engine
  • Pin stations to your start screen
It's a well designed app, and one we believe is well worth checking out. If you're a music fan, but don't quite enjoy Spotify, Zune, and the other services,Aupeo! might be just for you. With their added Windows Phone support, it's a perfect opportunity to test it all out.
You can download Aupeo Radio form the Marketplace. Thanks, Etnik for the tip
QR: Aupeo Radio

Nova strategy game

Nova is exploding with strategy on Windows Phone [Video]

When it comes to games on Windows Phone we have quite a few puzzlers, lots of zombies and a plethora of tower games. But one area we sometimes overlook is the class strategy game—the one where every move counts and requires some thought akin to chess.
Nova by Jeffrey A. Voigt fits the bill nicely and for $0.99, it’s well worth the investment.
The game is premised on the idea of a galaxy and you control various stars to dominate. You can have anywhere from two to four players where you pass your device on to friends and family for turn taking or you can play against the computer (AI).
The game laid out with a grid representing the galaxy and you can either start a new star or “grow” current ones. Each star can grow three sizes after which they supernova, exploding their star bits to the adjacent boxes. If there are smaller, enemy stars nearby they get transformed to your color which is how you “conquer” the board.
WP Central
Nova's graphics are certainly eye catching
The strategy is choosing to start a new star, grow current ones or explode your star while watching what you challenger is doing as well. From that standpoint, the game is quite challenging especially with the well done AI.
The game also has a very detailed tutorials which are a must for picking up strategy tips and learning the game’s UI. There are also “Challenges”--quick little games designed to test your skill e.g. “do this with only 2 moves”.
The graphics of the game are well done with bold, colorful design and the music is very subtle (perhaps too subtle).
Overall Nova is a fun game. Since it’s a strategy game, your $0.99 is well spent as you can’t ever really beat it—you can just play and get better and better. There’s a free trial should you want to take the game for a spin. We think you should.
QR: Nova

Exclusive Mush wallpapers and strategy video

Exclusive Mush wallpapers and strategy video for your Windows Phone

Mush is probably the most charming platformer in the mobile Xbox Live lineup – and it’s an exclusive to boot. Developer Angry Mango has kindly provided Windows Phone Central with some exclusive goodies to share with you.
First off, Mush is a generally easy game. Like ilomilo you can’t die, so the challenge comes entirely from the puzzles. It does get harder as you progress though – take the puzzle at the end of Level 5: Catfish Capers, for example. Getting the ball where it needs to go in order to activate a switch and open the door might just stump some gamers. Fear not; the above video shows exactly what to do. Whichever lovable writer got stuck on this puzzle was most certainly overthinking things.
Next up we have a bevy of beautiful Windows Phone-sized wallpapers. Check ‘em out after the break.
Mush Happy Wallpaper Mush Angry Wallpaper
Mush Confused Wallpaper Mush Sad Wallpaper
Pretty, aren't they? Mush costs $2.99 and there is a free trial. Turn that frown upside down by getting it here from the Marketplace.


Zite reader for windows phone

Zite reader moves to Windows Phone, CEO very happy about it [Video]

WP Central

Zite for Windows Phone - now available
We haven’t heard much about Zite (, a news service that’s owned by CNN, but we should start paying attention to it. Zite is not just a news-app but rather a service that finds stories based on your likes and interests which gets you away from the “information overload” that many of us experience today.
The app has been on iOS since late last year and is also on Android too but now the service is coming to Windows Phone and the CEO is quite excited—mostly because he uses a Lumia 710.
In fact, according to an interview on Cnet, Nokia and Microsoft both lent the Ziteteam “support for technical training and also provided code and design clinics to aid the app's development”—so if you ever wonder what Nokia is doing for Windows Phone users, well there you go.
Zite CEO Mark Johnson seems quite thrilled with the move to Windows Phone (he used to work at Microsoft) as he sees the OS as the next big thing in mobile. In addition, the font and layout lend itself naturally to a “reading app” something to which we agree.
There’s also that other advantage—the Windows Phone Marketplace is not that crowded meaning if you get in early, you can establish yourself and dominate:
"The marketplace is not as crowded right now, so I'm really excited to get in front of the news market because when we launch we will have the best news-reading application on Windows Phone".
Using more than 2,000 categories for articles and an algorithm that draws from Twitter and Google Reader, Zite looks to be an interesting twist on an old problem—how do we find stories that interest us that we weren’t looking for? The app works by associating with Twitter and Google Reader, you then choose which sections you would like for "your magazine". After that,  the the service brings down a personalized experience with featured articles to your liking--in that sense, it's similar to Weave for Windows Phone except that you can like/dislike article to help refine the algorithm. From our limited experience with it, the service works well and does what it promises. How it translates to Metro will be the exciting part.
No word on exact release nor if this is a Nokia exclusive but we’ll reach out and see what we can find about Zite.
Update: App is hidden in the Marketplace but you can grab it now here for all Windows Phones. Thanks, everclear76, for the link
QR: Zite
Source: Cnet


The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises on your Windows Phone

Dark Knight Rises app from Nokia
The Dark Knight Rises leaves its mark on your Windows Phone
In just a few hours, The Dark Knight Rises movie will begin showing at your local theatre. The movie's influence has already been felt with our Windows Phone especially the Nokia Lumia line.
We have the Dark Knight Rises and Batman: Origins apps available in the Nokia Collection on the Windows Phone Marketplace. T-Mobile is offering The Dark Knight Rises press-on covers for new Nokia Lumia 710's and then there's the limited editionThe Dark Knight Rises versions of the Lumia 800 and 900.
While Nokia took the lead in promoting the Dark Knight Rises movie, there are other Batman oriented apps on the Marketplace. There's the DC Comics app that gives you access to all the DC Comics' heroes including Batman, Catwoman, Superman and more.
Batman Files
Then there's Batman Files (free app found here) that provides you with character (heroes and villains) information from the Batman series, news and reviews on Batman publications, and a brief history of Batman. Batman Family (free app found here) is a similar app but focuses it's information on the Batman related characters (the heroes).
Batman Family
Of all the Dark Knight Rises Windows Phone connections, I think the Dark Knight Lumia 900 stands out the most. Not only for the bat stamp on the back but the gray theme.
So what's your favorite Dark Knight Rises connection? Have you battled your way through the Nokia app or do you like the catching up on the Dark Knight through theDC Comics app?  And most importantly, will you be at your local theatre at midnight to be one of the first to catch the new Batman film?

Rebtel's Windows Phone app

Rebtel adds VoIP app to the Windows Phone Marketplace

Rebtel Windows Phone app
Rebtel is an international VoIP company (think Skype... well kinda) that has released tier mobile app, Rebtel, over on the Windows Phone Marketplace. Rebtel's Windows Phone app joins other mobile solutions that are available for the iPhone and iPad as well as Android phones and tablets.
The Rebtel app features address book integration and offers to provide rates up to 98% lower than average operator calls and up to 60% saving on international text messaging to more than 196 countries. You do need to register to use the services and if you're a Facebook fan, you can sign in through your Facebook account.  The Rebtel service even has Paypal support as a billing option.
It should be noted that Rebtel isn't a traditional voice over internet protocol service. The app won't use your Windows Phone data but instead uses your voice minutes to call a local relay that in turn connects you to the destination number.
Rebtel is a free app that you can find here at the Windows Phone Marketplace.
QR: Rebtel

Ben Rudolph is Smoked by Windows Phone videos

Ben Rudolph is still at it with more Smoked by Windows Phone videos

Ben ("The PC Guy") Rudolph has continued to take the Smoked by Windows Phonemarketing campaign across the states, and he's showing no signs of easing back with more videos being published to the Windows Phone YouTube account. We previously looked at a handful of new videos being added to the account and commented on how we enjoyed the new style, so it's pleasing to see the company continuing to refine and push the platform using this successful campaign.
With the active "Dare to Live" tour in the UK, which is focusing heavily on thenumber of wins the platform achieves, the Smoked campaign is relaxed to put more emphasis on how Windows Phone can make participant lives easier through a series of challenges. Check out two more videos after the break.

Nimbuzz Messenger

Nimbuzz Messenger For Windows Phone Now Avaialble From Marketplace

Another cross platform messenger Nimbuzz has arrived at Windows Phone Marketplace. Nimbuzz Messenger allows you to even chat using other services such as Facebook, Gtalk, Yahoo Messenger, Live Messenger as well.

App Description:
Nimbuzz Messenger combines the power of internet and smart phone messenger into one, and lets you send unlimited chat messages and share files (pictures/videos) on any mobile device across popular messengers. Nimbuzz Messenger is available on Windows Phone, Android, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry, Java, PC and Mac.
Nimbuzz Messenger lets you chat with your buddies on Facebook, Gtalk, Yahoo Messenger, Live Messenger (MSN) 24×7 for free.
Connect your address book and share unlimited pictures with other friends on Nimbuzz, Yahoo Messenger, Gtalk and Live Messenger (MSN). You can also connect with your friends on Twitter using our popular chat buddy.
Nimbuzz Messenger is super-popular and our 98+ million registered users across platforms prove that. Nimbuzz Messenger is available for every smartphone and feature phone, so go ahead and tell your friends to download Nimbuzz Messenger.
Below is the list of Nimbuzz Messenger’s amazing features that take your mobile IM experience to the next level:
• FREE MESSAGING – Replace SMS with unlimited free chat
• IM COMMUNITY – Connect with multiple IM accounts and have them in one list (Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, MSN/Live Messenger, Gtalk)
• PICTURE SHARING – Click and share your favorite pictures with friends & family
• CHAT HISTORY – Chat history keeps your conversation handy for later use
• CHAT BUDDIES – Use our popular chat buddies for Twitter, Cricket, Astrology etc.
• AND MUCH MORE: Guided tour, Contact management, Presence management, Message typing indicator, N-world, free Avatars and much more.
Download it here from the Marketplace.
via: Nokialino

T9 app for Windows Phone

T9 app brings one-handed texting to Windows Phone

We believe Microsoft is working on a one-handed keyboard for Windows Phone 8, but in the mean time if you want to keep on texting without looking on your new Nokia Lumia, like on your old Nokia, developers Stain-Sr have a solution for you.
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Their app is a SMS app which implements the old T9 keyboard familiar to us from  old dumb phones.
The app comes with about 10,000 frequently used words and supports English, German, French and Dutch.image
It also features a word manager which allows one to add or remove words as needed, and will add a number of other languages shortly.
The app is £1.29 with a fully functioning, ad-supported free trial.
Find the app in Marketplace here.

LinqConnect software for windows phone

LinqConnect Software Supports Windows Phone

 LinqConnect which is actually a fast and easy-to-use ORM solution, developed closely to the Microsoft LINQ to SQL technology, and supporting SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite has recently released it’s latest version. And the great thing is that it includes suppport for Windows Phone now.It allows you to develop rich web and Windows Phone applications with true ORM support for database access.

All LinqConnect ORM features – high performance, wide LINQ support, LINQ to SQL compatibility – are available for Windows Phone completely. LinqConnect brings you the possibility to use LINQ technology in your  Windows Phone applications, which grants you such features as compile-time validation, IntelliSense, and your IDE’s debugging mechanisms when building and testing your queries, etc. With LinqConnect you can connect to Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL from Windows Phone. It allows you using ORM LINQ in  Windows Phone applications and to create truly Client-Server (two-tier) applications, which work with data directly from your browser through the TCP/IP protocol, when n-tier architecture is objectional. It offer the following benefits:
  • No need to create an additional data access layer
  • No performance overhead for data serialization and deserialization data
  • Lower network traffic
You are welcomed to evaluate it and download the trial version - /, which will provide you the whole set of features with a 30-day limitation.


Batman Origins App

Nokia Releases Batman Origins Comic App For Lumia Windows Phone Devices

Nokia has released an another exclusive app for its Lumia Windows Phone device owners. Batman Origins is an app that will serve you 4 Batman Comics and update you with latest sources to fully prepare you for “The Dark Knight Rises” movie release.

The app will allow you to discover the origins of Batman series characters such as Catwoman, Bane, Scarecrow and Batman.
Download it here from your Nokia Lumia device.

London Olympics 2012 Results app

Official London Olympics Results App Now In Windows Phone Marketplace

As we reported few days back, the official London Olympics 2012 Results app is now available in Windows Phone Marketplace.
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imageApp Description:
The Official London 2012 Results app provides all the latest news, schedules and results, allowing users to keep up-to-date with the latest action LIVE across all Olympic sports (25 July to 12 August 2012) and Paralympic sports (29 August to 9 September 2012).
Key features include results, live updates, calendar schedule, details of sports, medal tables and athlete profiles. Users can also follow specific countries, and receive official news and updates tailored to them all in one app.
It’s the essential FREE app for all sports fans to share the excitement of London 2012!
The Results app is available in English only, but useful for anyone around the world interested in the Olympics and Paralympics.
A companion app, the London 2012 Join In app, is a mobile guide to help people plan, enjoy and share their Games experience for the Olympics and Paralympics.
Download the app here from the Marketplace.
via: AAWP

Droid 4G LTE

The Droid 4G LTE arrives AT DISCOUNT!

Well, it took nearly two months after Verizon said the phone would arrive “in the coming weeks”, but the HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE is finally here.

Luckily, the phone didn’t show up with the preposterous $300 on-contract price we first saw attached to the handset, nor even with a $200 one, but became available for just $150 when Verizon released it yesterday.

Nokia Lumia 610

Nokia Lumia 610 Features,Specifications And Price

Description:-The Nokia Lumia 610 is a 3.7-inch touchscreen smartphone running the latest Windows Phone Mango OS . It is a budget Windows phones from Nokia and sport 5MP camera at the back . It is targeted at the youth with its affordable price (cheapest price Nokia Windows Smartphone) and availability in stylish design and variety of bright colors .

Nokia Lumia 610 Specifications And Features:-

The Nokia Lumia 610 is a Windows Phone which comes with 800 MHz Processor, 3.7 Inch LCD Display and Nokia Music.
Nokia Lumia 610 Features:
  • 800 MHz Processor
  • 3.7 Inch LCD Display
  • Nokia Transport
  • Nokia Maps
  • Nokia Drive
  • Nokia Music
  • Windows Phone 7.5
  • WiFi
  • 3G
Nokia Lumia 610 Specifications:
Technology / Frequency Bands
GSM : 850/900/1800/1900 MHz HSDPA : 900/2100 MHz
Type Li – Ion
Capacity 1300 mAh
Standby 580 hours
Talktime 390 mins
Dimensions 119x62x12 mm
Weight 132 g
Form Factor bar
Colors Cyan,White,Black and Magneta
Size 480×800 pixels
Type color : LCD
Colors 16000000 colors
Secondary Display no
Camera / Imaging / Video
Camera Yes 5.0 Megapixel
Resolution 2592×1944 pixels
Zoom yes
Flash yes
Secondary Camera no
Bluetooth Yes
Irda No
Wlan/Wi-fi Yes
USB yes
GPS yes
3G Yes
Internet Browsing Yes , Internet Explorer 9
Audio Playback Yes
Video Playback Yes
Ringtones 64 polyphonic MP3/MIDI/WAV/AMR
FM Radio Yes
3.5mm Headphone Jack yes
Inbuilt 8 GB
Memory Slot Yes microSD/TransFlash
Email Yes
Operating System Windows Phone 7
Nokia Lumia 610 Price in India:
Mobile Phone: Nokia Lumia 610
Price (Indian Rupees): Expected Price:Rs.12000


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