Windows Phone App Short Take: Time Sync

Windows Phone App Short Take: Time Sync

Time Sync for Windows Phone
Time Sync is a nice little World time app for your Windows Phone. If you need to keep track of the current time in another part of the world, Time Sync should come in handy.
Time Sync includes a listing of over 6,500 cities and there's a neat conversion tool that will convert any random date and time for one city or country to another.
There's really not many bells and whistles to Time Sync. You have the main page that displays all your world clocks with controls to add cities to your list and to access the conversion tool.
Your local time will be displayed at the top with the date and a small icon illustrating day or night. In tapping a city listing you pull up the synchronization page that will let you adjust the local time of that city and see the other clocks adjust accordingly.
Time Sync
To access the conversion tool, you can use the button at the bottom of the screen or tap/hold a city clock to pop-up a menu.
The conversion tool has fields for the from and to locations and the time and date you want converted. Just fill in the blanks and the conversion is calculated automatically. Time Sync contains historical time zones and civil changes since 1970. The app also includes transitions such as Daylight Savings Time and records Leap Seconds.
So if you want to convert your local time on January 2, 1983 to the time it would have been in Adana, Turkey the conversion tool will do just that.
Again, there's not much to Time Sync but it does the job of time synchronization rather well. If you have colleagues located in another country or you need to keep track of times for an event in another time zone, I can see Time Sync coming in handy.
Time Sync is a free app for your Windows Phone that you can find here at the Windows Phone Marketplace.
QR: Time Sync

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