Contacts Share app for Lumia

Nokia releases exclusive Contacts Share app for Lumia line of Windows Phone

Nokia Contacts Share
Nokia promised back a few weeks ago that they had plenty of software to still releases yet for their Lumia line of Windows Phones and today they did so again with the Contacts Share app.
Contacts Share is yet another “fill what’s missing in Windows Phone” app from the Finnish company and should be a huge boon for business users. The app is simple enough as it allows you to send contact info via email or SMS to any phone including Symbian, Android, iOS and BlackBerry in standard Vcard format.
The contacts are then imported by email or when the app is opened and they brought right into the People Hub like any other contact...
WP Central
Couple of things we would like to note: the app isn’t working right now on our Lumia 900 for AT&T. That could be because we don’t have a SIM, though it is telling us that our OS version is not up to date. We’re not sure which the case is so you can let us know.
The other is the app notes “this is not compatible with CDMA” which should not be read as Nokia not supporting CDMA phones in the future (like Verizon or Sprint), it’s simply because the app is based off of the SIM card inserted into the device, so don’t read too much into that.
Update: Confirmed for AT&T users this will not work as this app is evidently dependent on a yet-to-come firmware update (or possibly tied to Tango). That update should be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
Pick up Nokia’s Contacts Share here in the Marketplace for Lumia Windows Phones.Thanks, @JCinWinupd8 and Scott M., for the link
QR: Contacts Share

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